How to set up Facebook Business Manager


How to set up Facebook Business Manager | ⇓⇓ Step-by-Step

Today, we will talk about the advertisement on Facebook and learn how to set up Facebook Business Manager Account. For this, you must have a Facebook Business Page means if your business relates to Automobiles, your page must be related to the Automobile Industry.

how to create an ad account on facebook
Facebook Business Advertisement

In facebook business, there is a ads manager which will help you in deciding your marketing objective. For example, you want to create Awareness, Conversion etc.

how to set up facebook business manager
How to set up Facebook Business Manager

What is Marketing Objective?

As you can see in the above image that will explain, what is a marketing objective. It is just asking what you want for your business, you want to reach, leads, videos views, store visit or Brand awareness etc.

1. Awareness

For Example if you want only brand awareness, you can choose any of the two which comes into awareness section, first one is Brand Awareness and second is Reach.
2. Consideration

In this, you can use traffic, engagements, app installs,  videos views, lead generation, messages. In this customer will not visit the website directly.

3. Conversion

In conversion, a user will directly interact with Landing Pages. We select any of the three. Conversion, Catalogue Sales, and Store Visit, out of these three, Store Visit is used for E-commerce Industry.
Note: Facebook Ads Manager is really giving tough competition to Google Ads, because of interest based targeting option in the ad manager of Facebook.  Almost 80% of the terms are same there are some differences like in ads manager, there is Ad Set while in Adwords, we call it Ad Group.

The Audience section in Facebook is amazing as compared to Google AdWords.

Through Facebook, we will be able to run our Advertisement on Instagram, in-Market Audience, Audience Network or in Messenger. We can also select Device, we have to show on Desktop/Mobile. In beginning, we can choose locations, age gender, language.

There is settings of Lifetime Budget, Scheduling,  Bid Strategy, Delivery type. In right, you can see your Potential reach and Daily Reach which is based on your budget and Targeting.

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