Digital Marketing Pixel | Google AdWords | Keyword Match Type


Digital Marketing Pixel | Google AdWords | Keyword Match Type

Broad, Exact, Phrase, Modifier Match Type
Google Adwords Keywords Match Type

Google AdWords Keyword Match Type

There are kind of Keyword match type
1.  Broad match
2.  Phrase match type
3.  Exact match type
4.  Broad match modifier type

Each one has different meaning and it's purpose to use

Broad, Modifier, Exact, Phrase Match Type

Broad match type

For example if the keyword is Manali tour is in broad match type

1. If you search for the keyboard - Manali Tour honeymoon package - the search ad will appear
2. If we search keyword - Manali honeymoon package - the search ad will appear
3. If we search keyword - Shimla tour package the search ad will appear

If you focus on these three results,  you will find that the key word that is Manali tour,  one of the word is must present in this three searches,  that's why the search ad appears
4.  If someone is looking for the keyword like London holidays then the search ad will not appear

Note:- Broad match type can be used for branding purpose or we can use it for research purpose and we have more budget

Phrase match type

The keyword to be in phrase match type should be put in "phrase".  In this the keyword should be in same phrase when someone searches.
For example if the keyword is "Manali tour" is in phrase match type
1.  If  if you search for the keyword Manali Tour honeymoon package the search ad will appear because the Manali tour is in the same phrases in the keyword.
2.  If you search for "Shimla tour package" then the search ad will not appear
3.  If we search for "travel package Manali tour"  then the search ad will appear
4.  If you search for "travel Manali package tour"  then the search ad will not appear

Exact match type

The keyword to be in exact match should we put in  square brackets like [manali tour]
1. If someone looking for the search term Manali tour package-  the search ad will not  appear
2. If someone is looking for package Manali tour Shimla -  the search ad will not appear
Note:  in exact match the keyword will appear when exactly matches the search term with the keyword.  The search ad will appear when the user exactly type Manali tour.

Broad match modifier type

The keyword to be in broad match modifier, we have to add plus symbol before the keyword
Now the other keyword is in broad match modifier type
Example:- +manali +tour
Note:- The words Manali and Tour should be present in search query to appear on SERP page.

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